Phone: +81-58-293-3735
Masayasu Taki graduated from Doshisha University in 1997 and received his Ph.D degree from Osaka University under the supervision of Prof. Shunichi Fukuzumi in 2002. He worked with Prof. Shinobu Itoh at Osaka City University as a JSPS research fellow from 2002 to 2004, during which he also joined the group of Prof. Thomas O’Halloran at Northwestern University for a year and a half. He then served as an Assistant Professor in Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies at Kyoto University from 2004 to 2012, and joined the group of Professor Shigehiro Yamaguchi in Nagoya University as a designated Associate Professor in 2014. He was also a JST-PRESTO researcher in the field of Single Cell Analysis (2016-2020). He promoted to a full Professor in Gifu Univeristy in 2024. His research interests are in the areas of chemical biology, particularly the development of synthetic chemical tools to visualize specific biomolecules as well as biological phenomena using a fluorescence microscope.
- Lecture Award, 24th symposium on Biofunctional Chemistry (2009)
- The 36th Toyama Award (2019)
- NIKON JOICO Award (2019)
Representative publications
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Lipid Heterogeneity in the InnerMitochondrial Membrane with a Super-photostable Environment-Sensitive Probe
J. Wang, M. Taki, Y. Ohba, M. Arita, S. Yamaguchi
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 63, e202404328 (2024). -
Stereochemistry-Dependent Labeling of Organelles with a Near-Infrared-Emissive Phosphorus-Bridged Rhodamine Dye in Live-Cell Imaging
Q. Wu, M. Taki, Y. Tanaka, M. Kesherwani, Q. M. Phung, S. Enoki, Y. Okada, F. Tama, S. Yamaguchi
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 63, e202400711 (2024). -
A negative-solvatochromic fluorescent probe for visualizing intracellular distributions of fatty acid metabolites
K. Kajiwara, H. Osaki, S. Greßies, K. Kuwata, J-H. Kim, T. Gensch, Y. Sato, F. Glorius, S. Yamaguchi, M. Taki
Nat. Commun., 13, 2533 (2022). -
A Photostable Fluorescent Marker for the Superresolution Live Imaging of the Dynamic Structure of the Mitochondrial Cristae
C. Wang, M. Taki, Y. Sato, Y. Tamura, H. Yaginuma, Y. Okada, S. Yamaguchi
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116, 15817-15822 (2019). -
Super-Photostable Phosphole-Based Dye for Multiple-Acquisition Stimulated Emission Depletion Imaging
C. Wang, M. Taki, Y. Sato, A. Fukazawa, T. Higashiyama, S. Yamaguchi
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 10374-10381 (2017).