小坂 洋平
Youhei Kosaka, M.Sc.
> Awards
2008年 第35回有機典型元素化学討論会 ポスター賞
2009年 第36回有機典型元素化学討論会 ポスター賞
> List of Publications
2. A Benzophosphole P-Oxide with an Electron-Donating Group at 3-Position: Enhanced Fluorescence in Polar Solvents
E. Yamaguchi, A. Fukazawa, Y. Kosaka, D. Yokogawa, S. Irle, S. Yamaguchi
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., in press.
[DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20150238]
1. Benzo[b]phosphole-Containing π-Electron Systems: Synthesis Based on an Intramolecular trans-Halophosphanylation and Some Insights into Their Properties
A. Fukazawa, Y. Ichihashi, Y. Kosaka, and S. Yamaguchi
Chem. Asian J., 4, 1729-1740 (2009).
[DOI: 10.1002/asia.200900303]
(Most accessed articles in 10/2009)
Last update: 15/08/20